Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Pacific controls head quaters in dubai acheived platinum rating

Pacific Controls is the first platinum building in middle east. How did they acheive it

  • Adopted technologies to optimize energy use both during construction and operation of the building.
  • Solar power for both lighting and airconditioning
  • 50 kW of PV Panels supplies around 70% of peak lighting load
  • Solar thermal collectors provide hot water for absorption chillers to provide around 90 TR airconditioning
  • Facade uses low emisity glass to maximise day lighting while minimising solar heat gains
  • Major construction materials sourced within 200km diameter from site
  • Major construction materials from recycled source
  • Sewage treatment plant Installed treats all the waste water and supplies for irrigation and mechanical processes.
  • 35% decreased energy use from basecase
  • 40% decreased wateruse from basecase

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